Whole30: Getting Started

Hello, my name is Shelby and I am a Whole30 alumni. Currently finishing up my masters program in Whole30, approaching round 9. Let me disclaim by stating I am not a certified coach nor am I a nutritionist. My journey was supervised by my doctor and based off of my own dietary allowances. What works for me may not work for others but that’s okay. We need all sorts to make the world go round. C:

ABBA Forever

You know when you’re on your first awkward date or someone on the train is like, “HEY YO BABE WHAT’S YOU’RE FAVORITE MUSICIAN?” I mean no one has ever randomly asked me that question but it did come to my attention that there is one group that I’ve come to adore. I can’t say I… Continue reading ABBA Forever

Contemporary Living With A Retro Obsession.

Does that sounds like you? Well I can tell you what, that’s totes me. I wanted to share some diamonds that are floating out on the interwebs that are overlooked about 99% of the time. Enjoy retro inspired music, exercise, art, interior design and decorations all at a click of a button!